•  01/22/2024 01:00 PM
  • Online Event

Please join us as we show you how to generate fresh new leads and funnel them right into your kvCORE platform! You'll learn about both FREE and PAID ways to generate leads.

  •  01/22/2024 11:30 AM
  • Online Event

Please join us on this webinar where we'll show you how you can build out your pipeline with 3 easy ways to add contacts right into kvCORE! You'll also get tips from an expert on how to prepare your database lists for importing including some best practices to use to re-engage with them once they've been added.

  •  01/16/2024 11:00 AM
  • Online Event

Please join us on this webinar where we'll review and show you how to power up automations in kvCORE to help nurture and convert your leads and contacts 24/7!

  •  01/11/2024 11:00 AM
  • Online Event

The second in a series of four Technology Foundations workshops that build upon one another, this interactive session is where you continue your journey to understand how to best leverage your MAX/Tech powered by kvCORE tools for effective marketing and consistent communication. For the best learning experience, bring your computer to work along slide the instructor and your smart phone to follow along with the session and engage with your fellow attendees. Learn how to provide value to new leads and prospects during the conversion process where we'll look at how you can leverage the Smart CRM to build relationships and identify the default communication that is sent on your behalf. Together, we will get hands on and you will: - Organize your contacts using smart filters - Personalize the default communications sent to warm leads - Identify the key features to personalize your agent website - Practice sending an email to your sphere to engage with them Walk away from the session confident in your understanding of what the system does on your behalf to help you create consistent, value-driven communication to your leads, prospects and sphere of influence.

  •  01/10/2024 11:00 PM
  • Online Event

The first in a series of four Technology Foundations workshops that build upon one another, this interactive session is where you start your journey to understand the technology offerings available to you as a RE/MAX agent. This is a great course for those who need help getting started and will lay the foundation for how to to best utilize your tools moving forward. For the best learning experience, bring your computer to work along side the instructor and your smart phone to follow along with the session and engage with your fellow attendees. In this session, we want to ensure you have a thorough overview of the technology you have access to, and how it applies to your business. Together, we will get hands on and you will: - Get introduced to all your MAX/Tech tools - Craft a profile that communicates your value - Navigate your Smart CRM along side the instructor - Practice adding contacts to your smart CRM Walk away from the session knowing the key features of your contact records that enable consistent communication so you can begin building meaningful relationships.

  •  01/03/2024 01:00 PM
  • Online Event

Getting hyper-local is essential when marketing yourself and your services. And in this agent panel, you’ll gain insights from other RE/MAX agents on how they're building relationships with their communities to generate business! Hear from Myra Ramirez of RE/MAX North San Antonio, who engages with her community while utilizing the power of social media to connect with locals and her fellow agents to generate business. Then learn from Pat Fales and Pam Morgan of RE/MAX Allegiance who have built a thriving business through client events and consistent marketing, resulting in a steady flow of leads. From effective print marketing to developing a digital strategy, this mastermind will give you ideas to get your business on the right track for the new year!

  •  10/18/2023 02:30 PM
  • Online Event

The market has officially shifted and the only thing that remains constant is the daily uncertainty our industry continues to feel. In "Pros vs Amateurs" leading real estate coach and trainer, Jared James, is going to break down the #1 thing you need to be focused on to dominate your local area and be the only option buyers and sellers want to work with. Come ready to take notes, learn, laugh and leave with practical strategies to implement right away and become the agent your market deserves.

  •  09/14/2023 01:30 PM
  • Online Event

Since 2007, Landin Smith, team leader and agent with RE/MAX Professionals, has helped over 700 people buy or sell their homes. In his 16-year real estate career with RE/MAX, Landin has leveraged his entrepreneurial spirit, RE/MAX technology, tools & more to establish and build a repeat and referral client base. His passion for helping his clients, along with his deep understanding of the industry, have allowed Landin to earn several career awards, including the RE/MAX Lifetime Achievement award, honoring those who have been affiliated with the RE/MAX organization for at least seven years and have earned at least $3 million in commissions. Want to learn how Landin made it happen? Find out on the next Build Your Business with RE/MAX.

  •  09/14/2023 11:00 AM
  • Online Event

Nick Bailey and two guests discuss how surging mortgage rates, soaring home prices, and all-time-low inventory shouldn't stand in the way of homeownership.

  •  09/12/2023 01:00 PM
  • Online Event

Real estate referrals are a key part of building a successful business in the industry. With the right approach, you can harness the power of referrals to grow your business and generate a steady stream of clients. In addition to client referral, one of the best ways to increase your business and expand your network is through referrals from other realtors, which can help you reach new clients and build trust with them. There are several key strategies you can use to make the most of your referrals. Join us as we chat with Connie and Matilde, seasoned agents, and explore all things referrals; what works, what doesn't work, the things you should be doing, and the gimmicky things you should avoid.