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The second in a series of four Technology Foundations workshops that build upon one another, this interactive session is where you continue your journey to understand how to best leverage your MAX/Tech powered by kvCORE tools for effective marketing and consistent communication. For the best learning experience, bring your computer to work along slide the instructor and your smart phone to follow along with the session and engage with your fellow attendees. Learn how to provide value to new leads and prospects during the conversion process where we'll look at how you can leverage the Smart CRM to build relationships and identify the default communication that is sent on your behalf. Together, we will get hands on and you will: - Organize your contacts using smart filters - Personalize the default communications sent to warm leads - Identify the key features to personalize your agent website - Practice sending an email to your sphere to engage with them Walk away from the session confident in your understanding of what the system does on your behalf to help you create consistent, value-driven communication to your leads, prospects and sphere of influence.

  • Date:01/11/2024 11:00 AM
  • Location Online Event
