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The first in a series of four Technology Foundations workshops that build upon one another, this interactive session is where you start your journey to understand the technology offerings available to you as a RE/MAX agent. This is a great course for those who need help getting started and will lay the foundation for how to to best utilize your tools moving forward. For the best learning experience, bring your computer to work along side the instructor and your smart phone to follow along with the session and engage with your fellow attendees. In this session, we want to ensure you have a thorough overview of the technology you have access to, and how it applies to your business. Together, we will get hands on and you will: - Get introduced to all your MAX/Tech tools - Craft a profile that communicates your value - Navigate your Smart CRM along side the instructor - Practice adding contacts to your smart CRM Walk away from the session knowing the key features of your contact records that enable consistent communication so you can begin building meaningful relationships.

  • Date:01/10/2024 11:00 PM
  • Location Online Event
